
Simply Samantha


By May Zhee Lim, Markets Media Life correspondent 

Markets Media Life recently caught up with Samantha Elkrief, a New York-based holistic health and wellness coach.

Markets Media Life: Tell us about Simply Samantha and the range of services you provide.

Samantha Elkrief: I’d love to! Simply Samantha offers health and wellness services of all sorts. This includes cooking classes, workshops, private coaching, and special group programs. My approach is a little different because I really believe that no one set of recommendations is going to work for everyone. Just like every person is unique, every session, workshop and program I do is different, depending on the person’s unique situation and desires.

My cooking classes make simple ingredients delicious without a lot of steps. It’s like your grandmothers cooking (I do have some of my grandmothers recipes, too). In my coaching practice, I help people figure out what steps they need to take to get healthy, because everyone is different. And we do it in small, simple and sustainable steps (no one needs another fad diet…). For those looking to eliminate toxins from their life, I make natural deodorant with ingredients you could eat!

And, the great thing is, I offer coaching services in person and over the phone, so you don’t even have to live in New York!

MML: Your cooking classes are a huge hit! Do you have any classes planned for the upcoming months?

Simply Samantha Cooking

SE: Thanks! I have a dessert class coming up this Saturday (Oct. 4). We’re making chai date balls, lemon coconut balls, and a nut butter energy ball. All my classes are gluten-free, refined sugar-free and plant-based. I can also accommodate different dietary restrictions and allergies (after all, I have a bunch!). After that I have a few private cooking classes planned, but nothing public at the moment. I am always looking for people and places to collaborate with, so reach out if you have an idea! People can contact me about booking private classes by filling out the contact form on my website here. Some of the classes I have taught include healthy dips, Moroccan Salads, healthy desserts, and fall soups. You can check out pictures, topics and testimonials from my past classes on my site.

MML: How would you describe your client base?

SE:My client base is pretty broad at the moment. The one thing they all have in common is that they want to feel better, and they aren’t quite sure how to get there on their own. I give them guidance and support, and help them identify and articulate goals that will get them feeling their best.

MML: What are some common health problems today that could be helped by your holistic and wellness approach?

SE: There really are so many! My main focus is on digestive distress, since it’s a subject I’m very familiar with! (You can read my personal story here.) Digestive issues like IBS, food sensitivities, allergies, celiac disease and other conditions can be dramatically improved with a holistic approach. Some other common health problems that can be improved by diet and lifestyle changes include high blood pressure, diabetes, eczema, trouble sleeping and so many more. There really is nothing that diet and lifestyle adjustments can’t impact.

MML: What do you think people get most out of working with you? Any memorable success stories from your clients?

SE: I think one of the most significant things people get from working with me is that they know they are in an environment where they are not going to be judged, and they are going to be held accountable. It allows them to open up in a way that they might not with someone else. I really enjoy the small victories, because change never happens overnight, it’s a series of small conscious choices and steps that we take that lead us to our end goals. I love when someone starts cooking for themselves, for some of my clients who haven’t cooked in over a decade. To me that is huge. Or when someone decides they are going to prioritize exercising and they start going for walks by themselves instead of needing or waiting for someone else to go with them.

It’s the development of these types of habits that really lights me up.

MML: What do you get most out of helping your clients?

SE: I love it so much. I know that I struggled a lot as I was trying to get healthy, and I was really hard on myself. I love being able to acknowledge my clients and help them see all the great work they are doing. Getting healthy isn’t something that happens overnight, it’s a process which is way easier when you’re feeling good about yourself. For me, it’s incredibly rewarding when my clients start to treat themselves more kindly, I really feel like I’m making a difference.

MML: Any exciting plans for the future? Your website says you will have menu planning and catering services soon!

SE: Oh so many! I have an amazing series coming up for people who are ready to get healthy *before* the holidays and stay that way throughout. We’ll be kicking guilt and stress out the door and finding fun and easy ways to enjoy the holidays without sacrificing our health or putting on weight. I’m also planning a detox program for January (for those who missed the healthy for the holidays series!). You can stay up to date with the services and programs I’m offering by signing up for my newsletter.

MML: How much can people expect to pay for your services?

SE: I offer a number of services that are compatible with a variety of budgets. I offer public cooking classes, private cooking classes, group coaching programs and one-on-one coaching. Prices depend on the type and length of the class and program. All the content on my blog, twitter, Facebook and Instagram are completely free.

Photos via Simply Samantha

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