Daily Email Feature

Is 24/7 Trading Inevitable ?

Both equities and derivatives market participants have discussed 24/7 trading.

The integration removes the need to hold collateral with the trading venue.

Greater global alignment on settlement cycles will foster a more robust financial ecosystem.

Investment supports Euroclear's growth strategy in the Asia-Pacific region.

Rise of the retail investor is one of the greatest forces reshaping financial markets.

Firms can better prepare to meet T+1 and accelerated settlement timelines.

Year-to-date net inflows of $740.8bn are the highest on record.

In September this year Eurex expanded into the US dollar credit index futures market.

Most digital asset initiatives have differing and conflicting standards, controls, and operational processes.

The acquisition adds talent and operational and client service capabilities focused on European time zones.

Volume of 173.3 million oil futures and options was the highest since Q1 2020.

From The Markets

Bitwise Crosses $5bn in AUM

The crypto asset manager also appointed longtime ETF industry leader Luis Berruga as an advisor.

Fidelity is developing thematic fixed income investments that address climate change, social issues & UN SDGs.

First female president of NYSE was recognised at Markets Media’s inaugural Women in Finance Awards in 2015.

EFAMA said European move to T+1 is crucial for asset managers.

The new desk facilitates more efficient execution of trades in the EU across global fixed income & equities.

Whelan was head of CME Group-owned EBS Direct.

The bank’s infrastructure will provide accounts in over ten currencies with integrated FX services.