
Wall Street Blockchain Alliance Launches New Working Committees


WSBA.com – The Wall Street Blockchain Alliance (WSBA) has announced the launch of two new Working Committees, Regulatory & Compliance, and Economic Inclusion, each chaired by noted industry experts.

 The Regulatory & Compliance Working Committee will be chaired by Ms. Amal Aly. Amal currently holds the role of Director of Financial Services Regulatory Risk Advisory at PwC, and has a long history in the financial markets regulation space, including as former Associate General Counsel for Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA).

The Economic Inclusion Working Committee will be chaired by Mr. Ashish Gadnis, current CEO of BanQu, a social impact fintech company, with a focus on economic identity as a means of aiding the unbanked and underbanked around the world. Ashish has deep knowledge about the challenges of global economic inclusion, as well as expertise in the challenging area of fintech startups.

Notes Ron Quaranta, Chairman of the WSBA: “These new Working Committees are the direct result of growing member involvement in the many important aspects of blockchain technology across financial markets and beyond. Having such highly qualified committee chairs as Amal and Ashish to further the WSBA mission is invaluable, and we look forward to working with them going forward.

Ms. Aly notes: “It’s my great pleasure to participate on the WSBA Regulatory and Compliance Committee. Just as distributed ledger technology continues to evolve, so will the compliance and regulatory landscape in which it will operate. I look to participating in that very important dialogue.”

Adds Mr. Gadnis: “I’m thrilled and humbled to be on this very important committee. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, it is absolutely critical that its applications enable economic empowerment and access to a better life for refugees, people living in
extreme poverty and overall gender equality globally. I hope to bring these voices to WSBA.”

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