
Portfolio Apps Go Mobile

Terry Flanagan

Tradar launches customized iPad platform for its Insight product.

Asset managers are hungry for mobile reporting capabilities for critical portfolio management functions.

“Increasingly, portfolio managers are interested in more flexible means to receive updated data while on the go,” Sachin Kachhla, director of business development at Tradar, told Markets Media.

Over the last two years, Tradar has broadened the appeal of its products to the front office.

“Combined with the increasing penetration of the iPad, we saw the mobile reporting application as the perfect way to give the portfolio manager the flexibility and portability they want, and at the same time, provide others in the organization–investor relations, sales, perhaps even investors–the means to access portfolio data in a more interactive way than what they currently receive through spreadsheets, printouts and presentations.”

Tradar, a provider of portfolio management and accounting software to the buy side, has launched a customizable mobile portfolio reporting application accessible via the iPad and other tablet devices.

Tradar has partnered with Nedelma to integrate data from its flagship product, Insight, with mobile reporting capabilities from Nedelma’s Portfolio Amalfi platform.

“Because Insight is a functionally broad front to back solution, we decided to focus on the key reports within the system for mobile reporting which include asset value, exposure and performance,” said Kachhla.

As with the reporting within its flagship application Insight, Tradar aims to empower the user with large flexible datasets so they can quickly customize views to get the snapshots they want.

“We are positioned to quickly respond to client feedback and demand should they require us extend the features available on the iPad application,’ said Kachhla.

Screen real estate, often regarded as a gating factor in porting desktop apps to mobile devices, is being addressed through new technology.

“We are able to offer our customers iPad applications that are comparable to desktop applications with a similar and sometimes even more powerful user interface,” Michael Medvinsky, CEO of Nedelma, told Markets Media. “Our customers have been pleasantly surprised by how much functionality and user driven customization we can offer on the iPad, even on the original iPad 1.”

Nedelma is also planning to introduce more advanced features and use more screen real estate based on the higher resolution that is likely on the coming iPad 3. “Native iPad gestures also help us to use screen real estate more efficiently,” said Medvinsky.

While the Nedelma platform is flexible and can be integrated with other portfolio management vendors, Tradar is currently its most advanced partnership in this arena.

Users will gain access to a selection of asset value, exposure and performance-based data. Additional features of the app include high level of on the fly customization of all components, and multi-touch gestures specifically designed for financial mobile applications.

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